
Semi Conductor Plant – Singapore

Semi Conductor Plant – Singapore

Semi Conductor Plant – Singapore

Semi Conductor Plant – Singapore


  • Bteam

General Contractor:

  • Bteam

Product Featured:

  • ARDEX R4SE Water-based Epoxy Primer
  • ARDEX R35SE Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Coating


  • Two floor levels (700 m2 / 7535 ft2)
  • Expedited installation time frame
  • Surface tension
  • Dusty environment
  • Overcrowded work space


In Joon Koon, Singapore, an existing semiconductor office was being renovated to house heavy machinery on the first and second floors. During the process of applying the selected ARDEX R35SE Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Coating, there were several different groups of contractors working on the site. This resulted in several foot prints on the uncured epoxy floor. There were also fish eyes found on the two levels of the building. ARDEX Singapore was asked to assess the problem and offer a solution.


Upon arriving on location, the ARDEX Technical Team first met with contractors to review the situation. ARDEX decided to have controlled testing performed at an off-site location to verify there were no issues with the ARDEX products. After the tests were conducted, ARDEX determined the products had become contaminated from the various trades walking on the uncured epoxy floor. To rectify the issue, ARDEX immediately delivered new batches of ARDEX R4SE Water-based Epoxy Primer and ARDEX R35SE Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Coating. To ensure no further contamination to the products, ARDEX recommended the installation be rescheduled early in the morning. At this time, fewer people would be on the jobsite and barrier tape could be used to prevent workers from walking across the installation. To further confirm there would be no product installation issues, the ARDEX team demonstrated to the contractors how the products should be applied. The ARDEX Technical Team explained the importance of proper substrate preparation to ensure a strong bond between the products and the substrate. Next, the ARDEX Technical Team explained mixing and application methods with a mohair roller to ensure the correct coverage amounts. To further support the contractors performing the installation, ARDEX remained on-site to answer any questions and inspect the job after completion. After the project concluded, BTeam stated how impressed they were with the support and customer service from ARDEX. ARDEX rectifies product related problems quickly and accurately while offering complete jobsite support.