Primers, Bonding Agents, Sealers


Primers, Bonding Agents, Sealers

  • Water-Based and Epoxy primers, degreasers, construction adhesives, admixes and aggregates

Primers, Bonding Agents, Sealers

The key to sucess when installing ARDEX products is to achieve a good bond between the substrate and the ARDEX floor levelling cements, waterproofing  membranes and tile adhesives. ARDEX produce a range of primers for internal and external use.

Sealers: Where there’s water, there’s damp. And where masonry is concerned, all contact with damp has to be avoided. Particularly in areas exposed to large amounts of water on a daily basis. It’s advisable to seal the substrate carefully. ARDEX offers a comprehensive range of sealing materials for indoor and outdoor use.

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