Patching and Repairing
Dampen substrate but without ponding water and then apply a coat of QUICSEAL 509 or an adhesive slurry coat (see section on Adhesive Slurries) to improve the adhesion of patching mortars to the substrate. While the bonding agent is tacky, immediately apply QUICSEAL repair mortars or non-shrink grout.
Approx 0.2 kg/m2 of QUICSEAL 509 is required for adhesive slurries, bonding aid and key coats.
Approx 1 kg/m2 of QUICSEAL 509 is required for screeds and renders for every 20mm thickness.
The quantity of QUICSEAL 509 for each application should be adjusted to workability depending on the application requirement.
Pack size : 5, 20 and 200 kg drums.